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 In collaboration with the North Florida Community Development Corporation and Tallahassee Forward, we are launching a kickoff program that will engage the community, solicit mentors, and establish crucial partnerships with nonprofits and local businesses. The initiative marks the beginning of our mission to empower at risk youth, address poverty related challenges, and foster positive change in our neighborhoods. The following are service components of this program that will be implemented on a routine basis:

Image by Hannah Busing

Community Engagement Events

Host town hall meetings, workshops, and community forums to raise awareness about EmpowerTally's mission and the importance of community involvement. These events will provide a platform for open dialogue, idea-sharing, and collaboration. We will also engage community members and identify needs.

Image by Monica Melton

Mentor Recruitment Drives

Launch a mentorship recruitment campaign, targeting individuals who are
passionate about making a positive impact in the lives of at-risk teens. Mentors will play a vital role in
guiding and supporting these youth towards a path of success.

Image by Devin Avery

Youth Empowerment Workshops

Organize workshops focusing on life skills, career development, and
personal growth for at-risk youth. These workshops will equip teens with the tools they need to overcome obstacles and thrive.

Young Volunteers
In a Meeting

Community Mentorship Fair

Host a mentorship fair where prospective mentors can meet and interact with teens seeking guidance. This event will facilitate meaningful connections and foster mentor-
mentee relationships.

Collaborative Projects

Launch joint initiatives with local businesses and nonprofits to create
opportunities for teens to gain practical experience, job training, and exposure to various industries.

Purpose of EmpowerTally

EmpowerTally is a comprehensive initiative aimed at addressing the issue of gun violence in low-income neighborhoods of Tallahassee, Florida. Our program focuses on implementing innovative strategies that empower community members, provide opportunities for youth, and promote positive social change. This program will engage the local community in a collective effort to address gun violence and poverty- related issues; recruit mentors who are committed to guiding at-risk youth toward a brighter future; and forge partnerships with nonprofit organizations and local businesses to provide essential resources and opportunities to teens in need.

Execution of Program

We will establish connections with local nonprofit organizations and businesses that are aligned with EmpowerTally's goals. These partnerships will provide resources such as job training, educational support, and basic necessities for teens facing economic challenges. We've engaged The Frontline Project as an initial collaborative partner, as they currently work with youth in grades six through twelve in addressing anger management. The organization has formed partnerships with local schools and the juvenile court system. A referral system will be established to recruit and enroll youth from the Department of Juvenile Justice, Leon County Public Schools, and the State Attorney’s Office. For those youth who are not in the juvenile court system, parents are welcome to enroll them through the application and intake process. We recommend this approach before the youth is sanctioned to do so due to criminal processing.

In an effort to be comprehensive, NFCDC will create a 24-hour hotline and explore a community application that gives resources and information to the at-risk communities that address their appropriate concerns. NFCDC collaborators depend on their cultural competence and awareness; to address direct needs that are direct roots of poverty.




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