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IMPACT Feeding Program

The IMPACT Feeding Program will help eliminate several barriers that are currently keeping
feeding programs from being as successful as possible.


In 2018, the United States Government Accountability Office (GAO) identified several challenges faced by feeding programs, many of which have been identified as challenges impacting feeding programs in Leon County. The IMPACT Feeding Program will eliminate several significant barriers:


Transportation & Access to Meal Sites

Kiosks will be strategically placed in high‐demand areas already
visited by program participants; this reduces the need for transportation and provides participants with
consistent and stable access to additional meals.


Availablity and Awareness of the Program

Kiosks placed in closed locations will be available at least five
days per week for approximately eight hours daily. Open sites will allow greater access to meals for all
participants. We will also host a kickoff event and two outreach events that will provide participants with
additional food and valuable information that will significantly help address the awareness issue.


Administration and Data Collection

Professionals with extensive years of experience managing and
implementing federal, state, and local grants will provide grant administration and program management. Using
the kiosk’s dashboard and software will allow data to be collected easily by pulling information supplied by the
barcodes placed on each item in the kiosk.

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